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晋江御隆艺术馆Jiniang Yulong Art Gallery

48262 2020-07-31T15:29:41 10 [精品]
设计师: 何华武
晋江御隆艺术馆Jiniang Yulong Art Gallery说明:


Topic: Tension of Form

“表现空间可能会让我们不安,但我认为那也是生命中的一部分,人生不应该只是麻木的微笑,而是越过历史的深渊,但一些未经之地,如果我们不试,可能也无法达到的境地。”---Daniel Libeskind


In an age of worldwide diversification, the limitations of methods are becoming increasingly irrelevant, with the spread of online media making the roads which lead to buildings and interiors more accessible than ever before. This concept of growth by cross-measurement, blurred boundaries has become the focus of social collective experience and artistic expression, providing people with new ways of understanding the world. The art gallery is filled with culture, saving information and sharing ideas, which creates a curiosity, expectations and expectations are essential.


This art gallery is privately owned by private funds which aim to show a variety of cross-border works to a larger audience over the course of the long-term planning process. It is located in a lively downtown area, which is crowded with shops, adopts a quiet method, radiates an artistic scene, its beam and column structure fuses with each other, and its construction is like origami. Some openings are carved from the fire frame structure to tear through the space. By creating a pointing thrust in the layout, this gets more complicated. Likewise, similar planes are connected at both ends of a solid steel plate to form an origami structure to create the volume of the functional space. Because of the structural irregularity, different shapes of steel plates provide an appropriate arrangement to play unique functions. Physical connection in the inner space emphasizes the eternal visual connection between the different components.


It is very essential for the art gallery to "transfer" culture by means of new forms and to make use of novel geometry. There is a sharp contrast between open and penetrable geometric forms of expression. Investors expect this new art gallery to bring fresh local vitality. Darkness signifies a deep sense of loss. Clearly visible from the light, art takes people and turns into a safe point in space. Due to the darkness and obscurity in the space, the space also fades into darkness and the edge remains invisible. Walls are invisible, and the intertwining of darkness and light offers people the most immediate visual shock between actively filling gaps, raising awareness, establishing communication opportunities and contributing to the town' s growing cultural structure. Encourage young people's thinking, inspire the visitors' curiosity and inquisitiveness in their daily lives and deliver an unforgettable experience which will be kept in the visitors' hearts and will ultimately broaden their appreciation of visitors and art.


This project employs a single material, allowing visitors to be immersed in it, the entrance is gradually pulled away in the elevator, the origami ripple adds drama, expressing the dynamics and vitality of the body's surface to the full, blurring the internal boundaries, browsing around the hall, intertwining and becoming independent for a while, allowing visitors not just to integrate, but also to stay engaged with independence, solidifying art culture and society.







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