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4673 2019-12-31T11:04:14 10
设计机构: 福建东方创意稻田有限公司

松软细腻的沙滩上阳光温暖,碧空如洗,白云低垂,浪花朵朵,恍若梦境。基克拉迪,一座远离大陆的火山小岛,爱琴海上的白宝石,希腊文明的起源,爱琴海浪漫的开端。朴实纯粹,似一弯新月,醉卧在湛蓝的爱琴海里。 The soft and delicate beach is warm, the sky is like a wash, the white clouds are drooping, the waves are blooming, and the dreams are like a dream.Cyclades,A small volcanic island far from the mainland, the white gem of the Aegean Sea, the origin of Greek civilization, the beginning of the romantic Aegean Sea.Simple and pure, like a crescent moon, drunk in the blue Aegean Sea.

受传统基克拉迪艺术形式的启发,将其与现代艺术相结合,进行升华和简化。基克拉迪的蓝和白,蓝得澄净、白得纯粹,仿佛就是一切色彩的牢笼,远离世俗的喧嚣,一尘不染,给人一种似梦似幻,亦真亦假的感觉。即便在空间中挣扎出的一抹艳红,也难掩绝对的主角。Inspired by traditional Cycladic art forms, it combines with modern art for sublimation and simplification.Cycladic blue and white, blue is clear and white, pure, as if it is a cage of all colors,away from the secular shackles, spotless, giving people a dreamlike, true and false feeling.Even if you are struggling with a touch of red in space, it’s hard to hide the absolute protagonist.

大片的纯白水泥墙面,为设计提供了淋漓尽致发挥创意的画布。黑色与基克拉迪的蓝和白相碰撞,将现代极简主义与爱琴海的浪漫巧妙的融合在一起。 Large pieces of pure white cement wall provide a creative canvas for the design.Black collides with the blue and white of Cyclades, blending modern minimalism with the romance of the Aegean Sea.

餐区如同博物馆般,随处可见浓浓的爱琴海元素,红色的九重葛、白色的骡子像,基克拉迪雕像复制品等,带来超越现实的用餐体验。 The dining area is like a museum, with a wide range of Aegean elements, red bougainvillea, white scorpion statues, replicas of the Cycladic statues, etc., bringing a dining experience beyond reality.

外侧空间呈开放式状态向顾客展示不一样的基克拉迪风情,内部用线条和家具划分区域空间,使其如同爱琴海上零星散落的岛屿般分布,创造如流水般的空间自由感。 The outer space is open to the customer to show different Cycladic styles, and the interior divides the space with lines and furniture,it is like an island scattered around the Aegean Sea, creating a sense of space and freedom.

深邃的天幕上布满了闪烁的繁星,超越了时光和地域的限制,一同牵手许下心愿,如基克拉迪的浪漫一般,永恒不朽,悄声诉说着几千年来听不倦的情话。 The deep sky is covered with twinkling stars, surpassing the limitations of time and geography, and making a wish together,Such as the Cycladic romance, eternal immortality, whispering for thousands of years to listen to the words of love.







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