Project Information
项目名称 | Project name:轻奢主义
设计单位 | Design :郑桂通室内设计事务所
设计主创 | Designer:郑桂通
参与设计 | Designer:周琦峰
设计时间 | Time:2019.2
项目面积 | Area:120㎡
主要材料 | Typical materials:KD木饰面板、灰色亚光瓷砖、鱼肚白天然大理石、进口艺术涂料等
在近十年的摸索中,设计师郑桂通逐渐领悟到:“设计无关风格与形式,设计更多的是来源于生活。” In the past decade of exploration, designer Zhengguitong gradually realized: "Design has nothing to do with style and form. Design is more from life. " 玄关处大面积的使用木饰面板进行装饰,在业主出门与进门不再是单调的白墙,视觉效果给予人舒适简约且不失美感。 A large area of wooden panels are used for decoration at the entrance, and the white wall is no longer monotonous when the owner goes out and enters the door. The visual effect gives people comfort and simplicity without losing beauty.
大面积的鱼肚白大理石与木质格栅进行搭配,无形中打造出一个丰富、趣味的空间,留给业主未完待续的想象空间。 A large area of fish-bellied white marble and wooden grille to match, virtually create a rich, interesting space, leaving the owner to continue the imagination space.