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10577 2018-07-31T12:20:39 26 [精品]
设计机构: 福建天汇设计工程有限公司



It's just as Lin Yutang's sentence, "design is like this, you're inside it."



室内设计:游小华、陈东升      参与设计:范振天、陈慧敏







材料供应:科宝博洛尼、大金空调、博畯地暖、得高地板、友邦吊顶、双福灯饰 、德利石材、金宝昌百朗新风、简一大理石瓷砖、都饰卫浴、锐驰家具


The constant perfection pursuit for life cannot only increase the fun of space; the right side of the living room just faces the garden; both the luxuriantly green plants shown in the large floor window and quiet garden in night are dynamic pictures in  real time; it is the real protagonist in the living room.

对于生活的精益求精不仅可以增加空间的乐趣,客厅的右边恰好面朝花园,一片特大的落地窗里面呈现着一副白天郁郁葱葱的绿色还是夜晚静谧灯光的花园,都是一幅实时而动的画面,它才是客厅真正的主角。 The constant perfection pursuit for life cannot only increase the fun of space; the right side of the living room just faces the garden; both the luxuriantly green plants shown in the large floor window and quiet garden in night are dynamic pictures in real time; it is the real protagonist in the living room.

It seems that the lifelike dark horse behind the sofa walks slowly towards you.我们怀着对生活的由衷热爱,对品质生活思考,用冷静和艺术的方式表达出来。无论是家具还是艺术品,都应该在真实的生活场景中拥有生命,一张餐桌,只有在家人其乐融融地分享美食时才会更动人,一张沙发,在爱人依偎在旁时才能更舒适。生活,总是令人无限着迷。
We express in a calm and artistic way with our sincere love for life and consideration for quality life. Both the furniture and art shall own lives in real life. A table can be moving only when the family happily to share dishes. A sofa can be more comfortable when lover is snuggled up. Life is always fascinating.

沙发背后的那匹黑马栩栩如生,感觉正向你走来。。。。。 It seems that the lifelike dark horse behind the sofa walks slowly towards you.我们怀着对生活的由衷热爱,对品质生活思考,用冷静和艺术的方式表达出来。无论是家具还是艺术品,都应该在真实的生活场景中拥有生命,一张餐桌,只有在家人其乐融融地分享美食时才会更动人,一张沙发,在爱人依偎在旁时才能更舒适。生活,总是令人无限着迷。 We express in a calm and artistic way with our sincere love for life and consideration for quality life. Both the furniture and art shall own lives in real life. A table can be moving only when the family happily to share dishes. A sofa can be more comfortable when lover is snuggled up. Life is always fascinating.

For home life, the ideal kitchen must be open type with bright enough insular shelf. It must be a garden or sea outside the window. White cabinet with black lines and black striped light add a bit of rhythm to space.

对于居家生活来讲,理想中的厨房,一定是开放式,有岛台,够明亮,窗外不是菜园两亩,就是一片海景。白色的橱柜加上黑色线条的描边,黑色的条形吊灯给空间增加了几分的律动。 For home life, the ideal kitchen must be open type with bright enough insular shelf. It must be a garden or sea outside the window. White cabinet with black lines and black striped light add a bit of rhythm to space.

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