作品分类 > 室内设计 > 住宅空间 > 样板房 > 陈榕开作品
镜中静 当家居环境崇尚简约时,每个人对于家都有一个期许,一个梦想。或宁“镜”,或禅意,或温馨等。追寻的步伐从未停止,是一种喜欢,反复地挣脱着世俗禁锢,是一种期待,精致生活需要慢调理,是一种折腾,并完美着。黑白灰的时尚,营造出空间高贵中带着宁“镜”,有质感更显品位;干净利落的白色,纯洁中总是给人舒适的感觉,米木色家具带着大自然的清新,有着浓浓的天然味。 不论是华范儿的营造,还是空间的视觉延伸,镜面及银色画框线的运用,轻盈了整个空间,反射也衍生了我们灵动的视觉效果。在灯光的照耀下,光与影虚虚实实,会让你的心情顿时如水晶般晶莹剔透,所有都市繁杂的情绪在这一刻也就渐离渐远,甚是一幅精致静谧的景象画页。镜中静的生活,不管未来几何,永远期待着,永远活在当下,不在别处。Design explanationstill in the mirrorWhen advocating simplicity of the living environment, each family has an expectation, a dream, a mirror, a meditation, a warmth and so on. Enjoyment pushes people achieve their favorite style.Expectation makes people get rid of the traditional policies. Torture let people deal with their life slowly and perfectly. The fashion that is made by black, white, and grey create a space with grand, quiet, high quality!s feeling, and personal taste; crisp white, pure and always gives a comfortable feeling, meters of wood color furniture with the freshness of nature, with thick natural flavor. Mirror and silver frame line make the room look light whether the glamour creating or a space of visual extension. Reflection gives rise to the facial visual effects. Under the light, light and shadow falsehoods make your mood suddenly crystal clear, all urban complex emotions at this moment . Gradually from further away, and even a fine quiet scene painting page.Quiet life in the mirror geometry, always looking forward to forever live in the moment, not elsewhere.
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