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163934 2020-04-02T15:22:23 42 [精品]
设计师: 倪森钊


项目地址 | 苏州

Location | Su Zhou

项目面积 | 650㎡

Project area | 650

设计主创 | 倪森钊

Chief designers | NS

设计团队 | 几何空间设计事务所

Design fim | Geometeric space design

设计时间 | 2019.7

Design time | July2019

The project is located near the lake, with beautiful scenery and excellent environment. It aims to connect with nature, realize perfect integration with environment, and conduct an ecological dialogue with surrounding green environment.
We want space to be flexible and open. There will be some interesting interactions between spaces.
After the space is formed, it can promote the interaction between family members and enhance the emotional communication between family members.
There is no need to give more space decoration techniques. The frame of light, water, air, relationship, line, color and spatial pattern in the space should be well coordinated, that is to give it rhetoric from the design end.
▲梯厅Staircase hall


The elevator hall is an important longitudinal channel. The illuminated steps wrap the elevator. The vertical modeling design is embedded with handrails. The hidden light belt extends to the second floor. The stairs rise up along the illuminated steps to the second floor family gathering private space.

▲梯厅Staircase hall 梯厅是重要的纵向通道,发光踏步包裹着电梯,立面造型设计内嵌扶手,隐藏灯带延伸至二楼,沿着灯光踏步拾级而上,到达二楼家庭聚合私密空间。 The elevator hall is an important longitudinal channel. The illuminated steps wrap the elevator. The vertical modeling design is embedded with handrails. The hidden light belt extends to the second floor. The stairs rise up along the illuminated steps to the second floor family gathering private space.

▲梯厅Staircase hall

玄关台:美国 kelly wearstler


The simple facade is made of natural marble material and embedded skirting line, which runs through the whole three-story elevator hall space, and then extends to every connected place, creating a

▲梯厅Staircase hall 玄关台:美国 kelly wearstler 简洁立面用色纯粹,使用天然大理石材质、内嵌踢脚线贯穿了整个三层梯厅空间,随之延伸至相连的每一处,制造了内部空间密切关联性。 The simple facade is made of natural marble material and embedded skirting line, which runs through the whole three-story elevator hall space, and then extends to every connected place, creating a



Pursuing the simplicity of living room space and abandoning unnecessary

▲走廊Corridor 追求居室空间的简略、摒弃不必要的“浮华”而大行其道。卧室采用2.7米超高极简门“一通到顶”,打造出所追求的极简主义。 Pursuing the simplicity of living room space and abandoning unnecessary "flashiness" are popular. The bedroom adopts a 2.7-meter ultra-high minimalist door "all the way to the top" to create the

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  • 倪森钊
  • 江苏-苏州
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