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10595 2018-10-31T11:16:28 14 [佳作]
设计师: 游小华


View Mountains                                                                                        




Look at it horizontally, they're mountain ranges; vertically, they appear to be precipitous peaks. Viewing the mountain from afar, the vista changes -- From up front and various angles, different physiques.

The world is full of changes. It is prosperous and embarrassing. There is only one silent place, which is your house. Viewing the mountains from your house and keep calm as a silent painting.


This design uses landscape painting as the axis. Chinese landscape painting is one of the most precious heritages of Chinese traditional culture. The inner cultivating consciousness of taking mountains as the virtue and water as the character, and the visual illusion consciousness of near or far is always the main axis of the landscape painting. If you talk about the classics with others, landscape painting is the foundation of the nation, the confidence of classics, my image, and the temperament of human being.



Throughout the space, the designer combines warm wood and cold-gray stone to achieve a balance of visual tones. When you get tired and come home, seeing the warm light band reflecting a wooden shape, and a warm and lazy comfort spreads into the space, you would feel relaxed.


“Several warblers are contending for comfortable trees. Several swallow are pecking mud.” The entrance to the home is simple and full of Chinese charm.

 “黑瓦白墙,飞檐翘角  高低错落,层叠有致”,在灯光的映衬下,墙上的挂饰显得如此俏皮。懒洋洋的灯光打在餐桌上,餐桌有着家人所喜爱的可口饭菜,在家人脸上的笑容中,诉说的是一段段其乐融融的用餐时光。

"Black tiles and white walls, the cornices have a slanting angle. The heights are staggered and the layers are well arranged." Under the light, the wall hangings look so playful. The lazy lights on the dining table on which there are delicious meals that the family loves. People are smiling and enjoying the happy dining time.

“清影迷人伴月眠, 秋冬春夏自香妍。”窗外的江水潺潺,清风阵阵,明月当空,柔软的床带你进入酣甜的梦乡。

“The fascinating shadows fall asleep with the moon, and the fragrance is pleasing all year round.” The river outside the window, the breeze bursts, the moon is shining, and the soft bed takes you into a sweet dream.


Tea zone "Guests come, but there is no wine; wash tea sets, boil water, serve the guests with tea. This is a very happy thing".


The breeze blows slowly, and the yarn in front of the window is dancing with the wind. The tea in the stove is boiling, spreading the fragrance of the tea. Invite a few friends and chat together. Have a leisurely life of "watching the moon together in the night, sleeping with the cool breeze".







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